Game Musical

Game Musical

Game Musicals

Overview: Games which use music to guide gameplay and narrative in a thoughtful and intentional way. The majority of these games fall under rhythm games, but can also be found in genres like RPGs or action adventures.

  • Focus on Soundtrack: The soundtrack in these games plays a fundamental role. In games like ‘Crypt of the NecroDancer’, actions the player takes have to be executed to the beat of the song currently playing.

  • Storytelling through Music: Take ‘Transistor’, for example, where the music is directly tied to the protagonist and her story. Listening to the lyrics gives the player additional insight into the characters and the world.

  • Rhythm Games: Games like ‘Guitar Hero’ and ‘Just Dance’ can be considered part of this genre. The objective in these games is to match or reproduce certain rhythms.

  • Ambient Soundtracks: Games like ‘Monument Valley’ use music to create a specific atmosphere and mood for players. Although not tied to the gameplay, these soundtracks are central to the overall experience.

  • Character Themes: Certain characters or locations may have specific melodies tied to them. These recurring tunes can create a sense of familiarity for players.

  • Composition Inspiring Gameplay: Games like ‘Furi’ shape their gameplay around the music. The soundtrack composed for this game was used as the basis for designing levels and boss fights, instead of the other way around.

Important Vocabulary:

  • Leitmotif: Term for a recurrent theme throughout a musical or literary composition, associated with a particular person, idea, or situation.

  • Tempo: The speed or pace at which a piece of music is played.

  • Harmony: The combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce a pleasing effect.

  • Melody: A sequence of single notes that is musically satisfying.

  • Rhythm: A strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound.

  • Dynamics: The perceived loudness or softness of a sound.

Remember, music in games isn’t just there to fill in the silence. It’s a powerful tool to guide and influence the player’s experience. Keep this in mind when examining the use of music in different games.