Voices in Pop

Voices in Pop

Role of Vocals

  • Lead vocals are often the main focal point of a pop song.
  • The style, texture, and tone of a lead vocalist can greatly define a song’s identity and appeal.
  • Backing vocals provide harmony and add depth to most pop songs.
  • Backing vocals often repeat the main melody, emphasise certain lyrics or add vocal counter-melodies.

Vocal Qualities

  • Pop singers are characterised by a wide variety of vocal timbres and styles.
  • Many pop singers employ a flexible style that allows them to showcase both breathy and belted tones.
  • The use of falsetto, a high vocal register, is common in many modern pop songs.

Vocals and Technology

  • Technology greatly impacts the vocals in pop music. Tools such as Auto-Tune correct pitch inaccuracies.
  • Reverb and echo effects are often used to give the voice a ‘larger than life’ effect.
  • Sampling technology has allowed vocal snippets to be used as rhythmic or melodic elements in pop songs.

Role of Lyrics

  • Lyrics in pop music often deal with universal themes such as love, loss, joy, and heartache.
  • Narrative lyrics are common in pop; these tell a story or describe a situation in a straightforward manner.
  • Symbolic and metaphoric lyrics are also used, often helping to deepen the emotional resonance of the song.

Clean Vocals versus Growls and Screams

  • Most pop music employs clean vocals, which are tonal and easy to listen to.
  • Some subgenres of pop, such as pop-rock or pop-punk, might feature harsher, distorted vocals or even screams and growls. These are typically used to convey intense emotion.