Celtic Music

Celtic Music

Origins and Influence

  • Originating from the early Celtic people, music from this tradition is predominantly found in Ireland and Scotland.
  • A major influence on folk music across the world, particularly in regions such as Appalachia in the USA.

Instruments Used

  • Key instruments in Celtic music include the bodhrán (a type of drum), fiddle, tin whistle, bagpipes, and the Celtic harp.
  • Distinctive element of Celtic music is the use of the drone, often produced by bagpipes or a hurdy-gurdy.

Song Structure and Melody

  • Celtic songs often follow a verse-chorus structure, with the chorus featuring a catchy, repeatable melody.
  • Tunes are often based around a modal system, not the Major/Minor key system typically used in Western music.

Types of Celtic Music

  • There are several main sub-genres, including Celtic folk, Celtic rock, and Celtic punk.
  • Traditional forms include reels, jigs, and hornpipes.

Contemporary Celtic Music and Fusion

  • Artists such as Enya and groups like Clannad and The Corrs have brought Celtic music to a global audience.
  • Celtic music has been fused with numerous other styles, producing sub-genres like Celtic punk (The Pogues) and Celtic metal (Cruachan).

Learning from the Music

  • A key aspect of Celtic music is its emphasis on community and storytelling.
  • Studying this style can provide great insights into other forms of folk and traditional music.