Superconducting metals and X-ray crystallography

Superconducting metals and X-ray crystallography

Superconducting Metals

  • Superconductivity refers to the complete disappearance of electrical resistance in certain materials when they are cooled below a specific temperature called the ‘critical temperature’.
  • Superconductors can carry an electric current indefinitely without any energy loss, which makes them extremely efficient for certain applications.
  • There are two types of superconductors: Type I which completely lose resistance at their critical temperature, and Type II which transition more gradually and can carry higher current densities.
  • Some examples of superconducting metals include mercury, lead, and aluminium. Mercury was the first known superconductor and displays this property below -269 degrees Celsius.
  • Superconductivity comes with the persuasive queerness of a Meissner effect, which says a superconductor in its superconducting state will repel a magnetic field. A magnet moving by a conductor induces currents in the conductor. But, the superconductor has no resistance, meaning the induced currents won’t decay.

High-Temperature Superconductors

  • High-temperature superconductors are materials that display superconducting properties at temperatures above -196 degrees Celsius, which is the boiling point of nitrogen.
  • Discovered in 1986, these materials are very valuable since cooling to these temperatures can be achieved more feasibly than the extreme low temperatures needed for classic superconductors.
  • The first high-temperature superconductor discovered was LaBaCuO (lanthanum-barium-copper oxide) which works as a superconductor up to -183 degrees Celsius.
  • Many high-temperature superconductors are ceramics, usually containing planes of copper and oxygen atoms.

Uses of Superconductors

  • Superconductors are used in MRI scanners in hospitals as they can create very high magnetic fields with little energy input.
  • They are also used in electric power grids for efficient transmission of electricity, and in magnetically levitated trains which reduce friction and increase speed.
  • In the future, they could enable quantum computing technology, as superconducting circuits can act as qubits, the basic units of information in a quantum computer.

X-ray Crystallography

  • X-ray crystallography is a technique used to determine the atomic and molecular structure of a crystal.
  • The technique involves shining X-rays onto a crystal and measuring the way they get diffracted by the crystal’s structure. The diffraction pattern is then used to solve the structure of the crystal.
  • X-ray crystallography can reveal the size of atoms, the lengths and types of chemical bonds, and the atomic-scale differences among various materials, especially minerals and alloys.
  • It has been instrumental in the discovery of the helical structures of DNA, the double helix, by Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins.
  • It also has wide variety of uses in different fields such as chemistry, physics, materials science, and biology to study protein structures, crystalline phase transformations, stress-strain behaviour etc.