


  • Arousal refers to the physiological and psychological readiness of a person before they perform a task.
  • In sports, it’s considered a significant factor that can impact an individual’s performance.

Levels of Arousal

  • There are different levels of arousal: low, medium, and high.
  • Low arousal can lead to lack of motivation or indifference, impairing performance.
  • Medium arousal keeps an individual alert and ready to perform, often leading to optimal performance.
  • High arousal can cause anxiety, stress, and loss of focus, hampering performance.

Inverted-U Hypothesis

  • The Inverted-U Hypothesis postulates the relationship between arousal and performance.
  • It suggests that performance improves with arousal up to a certain point. After this point, further arousal results in declining performance.
  • This theory indicates that there’s an optimal level of arousal for peak performance, which varies from person to person and activity to activity.

Factors Influencing Optimal Arousal

  • Several factors influence optimal arousal. These include the nature of the task, the individual’s personality, and their skill level.
  • Complex tasks or tasks requiring high concentration may call for lower levels of arousal.
  • Highly skilled or extroverted individuals are generally thought to perform better with higher arousal levels.

Arousal Control Techniques

  • Techniques such as deep breathing, visualisation, and progressive muscle relaxation can help manage arousal levels.
  • Deep breathing induces relaxation by slowing down the heart rate.
  • Visualisation involves creating a mental image to aid performance achievement, thereby reducing arousal levels.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and relaxing different muscle groups to alleviate stress and tension.

Role of the Coach in Managing Arousal

  • Coaches play a crucial role in ensuring athletes have optimal arousal levels.
  • They can familiarise performers with arousal control techniques and guide them in their application.
  • Understanding individual athletes’ arousal-performance relationships can also help a coach tailor strategies to enhance performance.

Negative Implications of Improper Arousal Levels

  • If arousal levels are not properly managed, it can lead to decreased performance and heightened anxiety.
  • Excessive arousal may cause ‘choking’ under pressure, where performance sharply declines.
  • Chronic high arousal can lead to burnout, where an individual loses interest in the sport due to physical and psychological exhaustion.