Sportsmanship and Gamesmanship

Sportsmanship and Gamesmanship


  • Sportsmanship: The conduct and attitude considered as befitting participants in sports, including observance of the rules of fair play, respect for others, and graciousness in losing.
  • Gamesmanship: The practice of winning games without actually violating rules but using methods considered against the spirit of the game.

Key Elements of Sportsmanship

  • Respect and fairness: Treating all participants with respect, and playing fairly without cheating or exploiting loopholes.
  • Following the rules: Adhering to both the written rules of the game and unwritten rules like respecting officials, opponents, and the spirit of the game.
  • Grace in defeat: Accepting losses graciously, without blaming, making excuses, or showing poor behaviour.

Key Elements of Gamesmanship

  • Psychological warfare: Trying to gain an advantage by intimidating or unsettling the opposition psychologically.
  • Bending the rules: Exploiting the rules to one’s benefit without technically breaking them, such as time-wasting tactics.
  • Winning at all costs: The focus lies more on winning rather than the enjoyment or ethical manner of play.

Sportsmanship vs Gamesmanship

  • Sportsmanship prioritises the ethics and integrity of a sport, and focuses on participation and enjoyment as much as the outcome.
  • In contrast, gamesmanship prioritises winning, often to the extent that it bypasses the ethical considerations to achieve the goal.

Importance of Sportsmanship

  • Upholds integrity: Sportsmanship ensures that the integrity and values of the sport are maintained.
  • Ensures fairness: It ensures a level playing field for all participants, promoting fairness in competition.
  • Boosts enjoyment: By focusing on the intrinsic enjoyment of the sport and mutual respect, sportsmanship can enhance the love of the game for both players and spectators.

Impact of Gamesmanship

  • Undermines fairness: Gamesmanship can compromise the fairness and equality of competition.
  • Taints the sport: The spirit of the game is tarnished when winning is prioritised over respect, fairness, and enjoyment.
  • Negative role modelling: It provides a negative example for younger or less experienced participants, who may mimic such tactics themselves.

Promoting Sportsmanship

  • Foster a positive environment: Encourage a culture of respect, fairness, and enjoyment in sports settings.
  • Educate about ethics: Teach the importance of ethics in sports and the consequences of gamesmanship.
  • Recognise good sportsmanship: Reward and celebrate instances of good sportsmanship to motivate and influence others.

Remember, it’s important to comprehend the values these concepts bring to sports and be able to provide examples or explain situations that illustrate sportsmanship and gamesmanship.