Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation Techniques


  • Relaxation Techniques are implemented to manage stress and anxiety, often used in sport to optimise performance.
  • These techniques can help athletes reduce muscle tension, control breathing and focus their minds, aiding in improved concentration and performance.

Progressive Muscular Relaxation

  • Progressive Muscular Relaxation (PMR) involves tensing and then relaxing each muscle group in turn.
  • PMR assists in the awareness of distinction between tension and relaxation in muscles, reducing physical stress and exhaustion.
  • The process usually starts from the toes, moving up progressively through the body to the head.

Mental Rehearsal or Visualisation

  • Mental Rehearsal or Visualisation is a technique where athletes imagine themselves successfully performing a skill or sequence of skills.
  • It helps increase familiarity with the actions, reducing anxiety and building confidence.
  • For example, a gymnast might visualise their entire routine, movement by movement, before performing in a competition.

Controlled Breathing

  • Controlled Breathing involves deep, slow and rhythmic breathing to lower heart rate and induce a relaxed state.
  • This technique can help manage stress in high-pressure situations by focusing the mind on the act of breathing rather than the source of stress.
  • Controlled breathing correlates directly with heart rate and can therefore assist in maintaining an optimal physical state for performance.


  • Biofeedback is a method where athletes use electronic instruments to receive data regarding physiological functions like heart rate, muscle tension, and blood pressure.
  • This feedback helps athletes understand how their body reacts to stress or anxiety and develop techniques to control these reactions.
  • In conjunction with other relaxation techniques, biofeedback can be particularly helpful in reducing performance anxiety.


  • Mindfulness focuses on bringing attention to the present moment, helping athletes to avoid dwelling on past mistakes or worrying about future performance.
  • It encourages acceptance of current experience, allowing optimal focus and engagement in the task at hand.
  • It can be practiced through various methods such as focused attention, open monitoring, and accepting thoughts without judgement.

Application in Sports

  • Using Relaxation Techniques effectively can significantly enhance sporting performance by reducing stress, increasing focus and enhancing physiological control.
  • Different athletes may prefer different techniques, or use a combination of several, depending on their personal style, sport, and performance needs.
  • Regular practice of these techniques can help athletes respond with composure in pressurised situations, improving the consistency of their performances.