Retail floristry presentation and display techniques

Retail Floristry Presentation and Display Techniques

Floral Arrangement Techniques

  • Be knowledgeable about colour theory: Understand how colours work together and create eye-catching arrangements that draw the customer’s attention.
  • Understand proportion and balance in floral arrangements: Oversized flowers should be balanced with smaller ones and foliage.
  • Practice the focal point technique: This is where one flower or group of flowers becomes the central point of the arrangement. This catches the eye and draws attention to the arrangement.

Display Techniques

  • Use wide paths with sufficient space between displays: This allows customers to browse without touching or damaging the flowers.
  • Incorporate a feature table at the front of the store: This should display popular or seasonal flowers, new arrivals, or sale items.
  • Make use of height and depth: Layer your displays to create an attractive, three-dimensional arrangement. Changing heights and distances can add drama and interest.
  • Employ good visual merchandising techniques: Rotate stock, keep displays clean and well-lit, and keep the store smelling fresh by frequently changing water in vases and removing dying flowers.
  • Use interactive displays where appropriate: These could include flower arranging demonstrations or workshops, or samples of different types of flowers and foliage for customers to touch and smell.

Customer Service Techniques

  • Develop active listening skills: Show genuine interest in the customer’s needs and respond accordingly.
  • Maintain a positive attitude: Be friendly, smile, and make eye contact with customers.
  • Understand your product knowledge: Know the names of common flowers, their seasonality, how to care for them, and which flowers complement each other in an arrangement.
  • Practice trouble-shooting and problem-solving skills: Be ready to handle challenging situations, such as unhappy customers or unexpected delivery issues.

Effective Communication Techniques

  • Be sure to communicate clearly and openly: Ensure customers understand care instructions and any additional costs.
  • Develop interpersonal skills: Build good relationships with customers, making them feel valued and appreciated.
  • Ensure written communication is professional: Double-check any written quotes or correspondence for spelling and grammatical errors.
  • Master non-verbal communication skills: Use body language and facial expressions to show interest and understanding. Keep your body language open and approachable.