Wiring methods and materials

Overview of Wiring Methods and Materials

  • Understand the purpose: Wiring provides support, shape, and structure to floral designs. It also allows for delicate and intricate adjustments of individual flower placement.
  • Identify the tools: Common wiring tools include florist wire, floral tape, and wire cutters.

Types of Florist Wire

  • Aluminium wire: Popular for its flexibility and strength. It comes in a variety of colours to match or contrast with the flowers.
  • Bindwire: Used for attaching and securing pieces together. Often green, it blends well with stems and foliage.
  • Bullion wire: A decorative type of wire often used for adding little touches and embellishments to designs.
  • Florist wire: Comes in different gauges or thicknesses. The higher the gauge, the thinner and more flexible the wire.

Types of Floral Tape

  • Parafilm: A stretchy, self-adhesive tape used for securing wires and covering stem ends. It’s waterproof and provides a clean finish.
  • Corsage tape: Thicker than Parafilm, suitable for larger designs like corsages and boutonnieres where more support is needed.

Different Wiring Techniques

  • Stem wiring: Involves extending the stem of the flower with a wire. Useful in creating designs where stems are not present or too short.
  • Piercing or cross wiring: A technique where the wire is pushed through the head of the flower to provide support to the bloom.
  • Hook wiring: Consists of pushing a hooked wire through the bottom part of the flower, giving extra support to heavy blooms.
  • Loop wiring: Entails creating a small loop at the end of a wire that can be incorporated into the design for added visual interest or for attaching additional elements.

Effective Use of Wire and Tape

  • Practice wire and tape techniques: Regular practice will develop neat, secure and efficient wiring habits.
  • Consider flower properties: Different types of flowers respond to wiring techniques differently. Understanding the characteristics of each flower is key to choosing the right technique.
  • Presentation matters: Conceal wiring with tape and position it thoughtfully so it blends into the design.
  • Safety is paramount: Always trim and bend the ends of wires to prevent injury and damage to clothing.