

Section: Understanding Guidance

  • Comprehend that guidance in sports psychology involves the methods used by coaches to help individuals learn or improve a skill.
  • Recognise that its importance is not just in learning new skills, but also in ensuring that learned skills can be performed effectively.
  • Remember that in sport, guidance can come in various forms, and different types suit different individuals based on numerous factors such as ability, experience, and complexity of the skill.

Section: Types of Guidance

  • Understand the four main types of guidance: visual, verbal, mechanical, and manual.
  • Visual guidance involves showing the individual how to perform the skill. This could be via demonstrations, diagrams or video replays.
  • Appreciate that verbal guidance is sharing instructions or advice through spoken language. In sport, this is particularly useful for highlighting key aspects of technique or strategy.
  • Know that mechanical guidance involves the use of aids to help an individual learn a skill. This might include floats in swimming or harnesses in gymnastics.
  • Realise that manual guidance is typically the physical manipulation of an individual to demonstrate a skill or position. This is often used in learning complex or potentially dangerous skills.

Section: Effective Guidance

  • Understand that the effectiveness of guidance can depend on factors such as the individual’s ability, the nature of the skill, and the performance environment.
  • Recognise the importance of adapting the type and level of guidance based on the individual and the context.
  • Include a mix of types of guidance, often referred to as ‘multimodal guidance’, is often most effective in supporting learning and skill development.

Section: Guidance and Feedback

  • Learn that guidance and feedback are closely linked. Effective feedback can reinforce the guidance provided and further support skill learning and development.
  • Realise that feedback can be intrinsic (internal feedback from own body) or extrinsic (provided externally, maybe verbally by a coach) just like in the information processing stages.
  • Understand that feedback should be constructive and timely to help correct errors, reinforce good techniques, and build self-confidence.

Section: The Role of Guidance in Psychology of Sports

  • Appreciate the role of guidance which enhances performance by improving technique and reducing the risk of injury.
  • Realise its impact on an individual’s motivation, confidence, and self-efficacy - essential psychological factors in sports.
  • Understand that consistent, effective guidance can scaffold the learning process, ensuring steady progress and skill development in sports.