Strategies to improve participation in sport and physical activity

Strategies to Improve Participation in Sport and Physical Activity


  • Strategies to increase participation in sport and physical activity are diverse, ranging from government initiatives to local community projects.
  • There are three broad categories for these tactics: individual strategies, community strategies and societal strategies.

Individual Strategies

  • Behaviour change techniques often form individual strategies, for instance setting goals or receiving tailored feedback.
  • Self-efficacy and confidence building are key areas of focus in individual strategies.
  • Programmes may also aim to develop or improve the potential participant’s skills and knowledge related to sport or physical activity.
  • Motivation can be increased through rewards and incentives, such as achievements and public recognition.

Community Strategies

  • At the community level, organisers might establish sports clubs or active spaces to create an environment that encourages sport and physical activity.
  • Community strategies may focus on creating facilities that cater to a wide range of sports and physical abilities.
  • Inclusive sport programmes, aimed at removing the barriers to participation, can be established in community settings.
  • Organising community-wide events or sports days can foster a culture of participation.

Societal Strategies

  • Societal level strategies might involve public policy changes - like creating more pedestrian-friendly urban design or introducing more physical activity into school curriculums.
  • Promotional campaigns, such as Sport England’s ‘This Girl Can’ campaign, aim at increasing awareness about the importance of sport and physical activity and challenging stereotypes and barriers.
  • Improving accessibility to sports facilities for minority groups, older individuals, people with disabilities, or people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds is vital at a societal level.
  • There is also a place for partnerships between sporting bodies, educational institutions, health organisations and government departments to create broader efforts at promoting physical activity.

Sustaining Participation

  • Keeping people engaged in sport and physical activity over time is crucial.
  • Follow-up support, such as regular check-ins and ongoing encouragement, can help maintain participation.
  • Providing opportunities for progression and regular new challenges is important to keep participants interested.
  • Creating a social environment, where individuals feel accepted and part of a community, can significantly support sustained participation.