Legal, social, and environmental responsibilities

Legal Responsibilities

  • Bar staff must be aware of the Licensing Act 2003, which governs the sale and supply of alcohol. It is a criminal offence to serve alcohol to someone under 18 years old.
  • Employees should know to request proof of age (ID) if a customer appears to be under 25 - this is known as the Challenge 25 policy.
  • It’s important to recognise the signs of intoxication and to refuse service if a customer is overly intoxicated. It’s illegal to knowingly serve alcohol to a person who is drunk.
  • Respect laws regarding driving under the influence by advising customers to consider alternate modes of transportation if they’ve consumed alcohol.

Social Responsibilities

  • Understand how to handle difficult situations like refusing service, rowdy behaviour, or customers who have had too much to drink.
  • Implement responsible alcohol service by encouraging moderate consumption and serving water and non-alcoholic beverages.
  • Maintain a safe environment by keeping walkways clear, cleaning up spills promptly, and ensuring the bar area is free of hazards.
  • Remember that you are a representative of the establishment and should behave professionally at all times.

Environmental Responsibilities

  • Minimise waste by using appropriate serving measures, reusing items where possible, and recycling.
  • Implement energy-saving measures, like turning off equipment when not in use and using energy-efficient equipment.
  • Use sustainably-produced food and drink items wherever possible, and consider sourcing from local suppliers to reduce transport emissions.
  • Be aware of how waste disposal affects the local environment, and comply with waste management regulations.

Management of Responsibilities

  • Carry out regular risk assessments to ensure all laws and regulations are being followed.
  • Create a training programme for all bar staff to ensure they’re aware of legal, social, and environmental responsibilities.
  • Have clear policies in place on how to deal with issues like underage drinkers or drunk customers.
  • Regularly review and update policies to ensure they’re in line with current laws and regulations and best working practices.