Personal presentation standards

Personal Presentation Standards

Importance of Personal Presentation

  • Perception of professionalism and competence depends heavily on how employees present themselves.
  • It impacts the image and reputation of a business, particularly in hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism sectors.
  • Good personal presentation aids in building customer trust and enhances the overall customer experience.

Attire and Uniform

  • Uniforms, if mandated, should be clean, pressed and worn correctly to present an image of neatness and attention to detail.
  • Personal outfits must be appropriate for the work environment. Casual wear can be seen as unprofessional in formal settings.
  • Dress code in certain roles, such as travel and tourism, may require specific attire due to functionality or safety needs.

Personal Grooming

  • Body hygiene is crucial. Regular bathing and the use of deodorant ensure that customer interactions do not become uncomfortable due to unpleasant body odour.
  • Oral hygiene is also essential. Bad breath can be off-putting and detrimental to client interactions in close quarters.
  • Hair should be neat, clean and tidy, reducing the incidence of hair-related mishaps, particularly in food and beverage service.
  • Visible tattoos and piercings may need to be covered up or removed according to the company policy and cultural norms of the business environment.

Accessories and Makeup

  • Accessories will generally have to be minimalistic, unobtrusive, and able to be easily cleaned or sanitised.
  • Makeup should be tasteful and within the social and cultural norms of your place of work. In some roles it may be required to be minimal or not worn at all.
  • Consideration for safety and comfort while working needs to be kept in mind while choosing accessories and makeup.

Good Posture and Body Language

  • Good posture not only influences physical health but also brings about a positive impression.
  • Appropriate body language can make customers feel welcome and valued.
  • Eye contact shows that you are paying attention and are interested in what customers are saying.

Personal Behaviour

  • Polite and respectful behaviour is a key facet of personal presentation.
  • Demonstrating honesty and integrity, such as admitting an error, can have a profound impact on a customer’s perception.
  • Maintaining a positive and calm demeanour during stressful situations can greatly improve customer interactions and the overall customer experience.