Tasting, storing, and maintaining quality of wines

Tasting, storing, and maintaining quality of wines

Wine Tasting Process

  • Appearance: The first step in wine tasting involves examining the appearance of the wine. Note the clarity, intensity, and colour of the wine.
  • Smell: Swirl the wine gently in the glass to release its aromas. Identify the intensity and characteristics of the aroma. Aromas can be categorised as fruit-derived, floral, spice, vegetable, oak, earth, or other.
  • Taste: Sip a small amount of wine and let it cover your palate. Taste for sweetness, acidity, bitterness (tannins), body, and flavour intensity and characteristics.
  • Conclusion: After tasting, assess the quality of the wine. Consider its balance, finish, complexity, and potential for ageing.

Wine Storage

  • Temperature: Wines should be stored at a constant temperature between 10°C and 15°C. Fluctuations in temperature can damage the wine and cause it to age prematurely.
  • Light: Wines should be stored away from direct sunlight as UV rays can be harmful to wine, causing it to age prematurely.
  • Humidity: Ideal humidity level for wine storage is between 65% and 75%. Too low and the cork can dry out, too high and mould could form.
  • Positioning: Wines with corks should be stored horizontally to keep the cork moist and prevent it from drying out and diminishing its effectiveness as a seal.

Maintaining the Quality of Wine

  • Opening the Bottle: Cut the foil below the lip to prevent wine from coming in contact with it and use a corkscrew to carefully open the bottle without breaking the cork.
  • Serving Temperature: Different types of wines are best served at different temperatures. Serve light-bodied white wines and sparkling wines between 5-10°C, fuller-bodied whites and light, fruity reds between 10-15°C, and full-bodied red wines and port between 15-18°C.
  • Aeration: Decanting or aerating wine (particularly red) can help improve the flavours and aromas. This is particularly true for younger, tannic wines.
  • Storage after Opening: Re-cork the bottle after opening and store it upright in the fridge. Consume it within 2-3 days as once opened, the wine will begin to oxidise and deteriorate. White wines can usually be stored for up to a week.
  • Caring for Sparkling Wines: For sparkling wines, ensure that they are chilled before opening, and once opened, kept well closed with a sparkling wine stopper to keep the fizz. These wines should be consumed within 1-3 days of opening.