Individual differences with regards to biological psychology

Individual differences with regards to biological psychology

Understanding the Biological Influences


  • Genetic makeup influences individual differences. Genes carry information that determines your traits.
  • Everyone has unique genetics, except for identical twins, leading to variations in physiological function and behaviour.

Brain Structure and Physiology

  • Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to change and adapt as a result of experience.
  • Differences in brain structure may contribute to variations in abilities, behaviour, and health.

Hormonal Differences

  • Hormones can significantly impact mood, energy levels, and reactions to stress.
  • Differences in hormone production or function can lead to behavioural differences.

Role of the Environment

  • The environment can influence and interact with our biology. For example, stress can influence hormone production.
  • Differences in environmental exposure (such as culture, family background, education etc.) can result in individual differences.

Interplay of Biological Factors

Interaction of Genes and Environment

  • The interaction of genes and environment plays a critical role in individual differences, a concept known as gene-environment interaction.
  • Epigenetics explores how the environment can change gene expression and subsequent behavioural outcomes.

Genes and Hormones

  • Genes play a role in determining the production and function of hormones.
  • Variations in genes can lead to differences in hormone production and sensitivity, which influence behaviour and health.

Hormones and Environment

  • Hormones influence how we respond to our environment.
  • Chronic stress can change hormone production and function, as the environment impacts the biological system.