Social Learning Theory

Social Learning Theory

Key Concepts

  • Social learning theory (SLT) proposed by Albert Bandura emphasises the importance of observing and modelling the behaviours, attitudes, and emotional reactions of others.
  • SLT suggests that people learn new information and behaviours by watching other people. This is known as observational learning, or modelling.

Principles of Social Learning Theory

  • Observational learning: It is learning by observation and imitation of others.
  • Vicarious reinforcement: Bandura argued that individuals learn about the consequences of an action by observing others being rewarded or punished for the same action.
  • The role of mediational processes: SLT suggests that learning involves mental (cognitive) processes. Four cognitive factors have been identified: attention, retention, reproduction and motivation.
  • Modelling: Includes live modelling involving real people demonstrating a behaviour and symbolic modelling involving real or fictional characters displaying behaviours in books, films, television programmes or online media.

Key Studies

  • Bandura’s Bobo Doll experiment (1961): A significant experiment of SLT that demonstrated that children will imitate aggressive behaviour observed in another person.
  • Bandura et al. (1963): In this follow-up study, Bandura demonstrated that children who saw a model being rewarded for their aggressive behaviour were likely to show high levels of imitation compared to those who saw the model being punished.

Evaluation of SLT

  • Strengths: SLT acknowledges the role of cognitive factors in learning, can explain a range of behaviours, and has real-world applications.
  • Weaknesses: Over-reliance on evidence from controlled lab settings, it does not consider biological factors, and the role of reinforcement is less clear in human behaviour compared to animal behaviour.

Application of SLT

  • Media and violence: SLT can explain the influence of media on behaviour, such as the impact of violent television or video games on aggressive behaviour.
  • Health promotion campaigns: SLT principles have been used in campaigns to promote positive health behaviours, such as eating a balanced diet or regular exercise.