

Jihad in Islam

Meaning of Jihad

  • Jihad is an Arabic term in Islam which roughly translates to ‘struggle’ or ‘strive’.
  • This concept has two aspects: inner struggle and outer struggle.

Inner Jihad

  • Inner Jihad, often referred to as the ‘greater jihad’, denotes the spiritual struggle against one’s self.
  • This involves overcoming personal weaknesses, moral temptations and striving to become a better person in the eyes of Allah.
  • It includes everyday challenges such as being kind and honest, controlling anger, and performing acts of charity.

Outer Jihad

  • Outer Jihad, sometimes considered as the ‘lesser jihad’, refers to the external struggle to defend Islam when it is under threat.
  • This could involve a physical battle, though this is the last resort and should be conducted under strict rules of warfare.
  • It is crucial to note that the misuse of this term by extremist groups to justify violence is contrary to Islamic teachings which advocate peace.

Importance of Jihad

  • Jihad is a way to practise the teachings of Islam and align oneself more closely to Allah.
  • It reminds Muslims of their duties towards improving themselves and their communities.
  • It encourages the act of standing against oppression and injustice.

Misunderstanding of Jihad

  • Jihad is a complex concept that is often misunderstood outside of Islam, usually associated wrongly with exhaustive violence or terrorism.
  • It must be emphasised that these associations are incorrect representations of jihad in authentic Islamic teaching.
  • Islam mandates that the sanctity of human life must always be maintained.