Job Descriptions, Person Specifications, Job Advertisements

Job Descriptions, Person Specifications, Job Advertisements

Job Descriptions Overview

  • A Job Description is a document outlining the responsibilities, duties, skills, and qualifications required for a specific role.
  • They are invaluable to both the employer and potential employees, giving a clear understanding of what the job entails.
  • Great care should be taken when writing a job description as it forms the foundation for many HRM activities like recruitment, selection, performance appraisal, and training needs analysis.

Key Elements of Job Descriptions

  • Job Title: Clearly states the role and often indicates level of seniority.
  • Job Purpose: Describes the overall purpose of the job.
  • Responsibilities and Duties: Listing of tasks to be performed and what the role is accountable for.
  • Reporting Relationships: Identifies who the role reports to and any direct reports or teams under its supervision.
  • Working Conditions: Details about the work environment, including any physical demands, travel requirements, or unusual hours.

Person Specifications Overview

  • A Person Specification goes hand-in-hand with the job description, detailing the ideal attributes of the candidate who would perform the job effectively.
  • It is primarily due to person specifications that employers can ensure that they recruit the most suitable candidate.

Key Elements of Person Specifications

  • Essential Qualifications: Basic level of education or professional qualifications necessary for the job.
  • Experience Needed: Mentions whether previous experience is required and in what context.
  • Required Skills: Specific abilities necessary to perform the job, like problem-solving skills, leadership abilities, or proficiency in a particular software.
  • Personal Attributes: Lists personality traits that would help in successfully doing the job, such as adaptability, team player or creative thinking.

Job Advertisements Overview

  • A Job Advertisement is a public posting designed to attract a diverse group of applicants for a job opening.
  • A well-written job advertisement will showcase the company culture, highlight the key responsibilities of the role, and clearly state what kind of candidates the company is looking to attract.

Key Elements of Job Advertisements

  • Job Title: Conveys the nature of the job and its level within the organisation.
  • Company Description: Provides a brief intro about the company, its culture, vision and values.
  • Job Responsibilities and Requirements: Summary from the job description and person specification.
  • Location and Working Hours: Provides information about the workplace and expectations around working hours.
  • Benefits and Compensation: Outlines the pay scale, perks, and benefits associated with the job.
  • Application Process: Explains how and where to apply, and may include application deadlines.

Strategic Use of Job Descriptions, Person Specifications, and Job Advertisements

  • These HRM tools can be strategically designed to attract a qualified pool of candidates, thereby accelerating the recruitment and selection process.
  • They help in aligning individual roles with the overall company strategic objectives.
  • Accurate job descriptions and person specifications can decrease risk of hiring mismatches, subsequent underperformance, and unnecessary job turnover.