Business Vision/Mission Statement and Objectives

Business Vision/Mission Statement and Objectives

Business Vision and Mission Statement

  • A business vision is a statement about what an organisation aspires to become, setting out its ultimate aim or where it ideally sees itself in the future.
  • It is meant to serve as a guide for all strategic planning and to provide inspiration and motivation to employees.
  • The importance of having a business vision is that it can help companies stay focused, aligned and inspired on their broader purpose during phases of doubt or uncertainty.

  • A mission statement details the company’s core purpose or reason for existing, outlining its key objectives and guiding its strategic decision-making process.
  • The mission statement typically demonstrates who the company is, what it does, and who it serves.
  • A well-crafted mission statement can distinguish a company from its competitors, unify employees, and define its strategic direction.

Creating Vision and Mission Statements

  • Creating a vision and mission statement should be a collective effort involving key stakeholders to ensure it reflects shared aspirations and principles.
  • Both statements need to be clear, precise and simple to understand.
  • The vision and mission should be flexible enough to resonate with the organisation’s growth and change over time, yet maintain consistency in its core values and purpose.

Business Objectives

  • Business objectives are the specific and measurable results a company hopes to maintain as the organisation grows and evolves.
  • They are derived from the organisation’s vision and mission statement.
  • Objectives can be financial (such as gross profit margins or sales growth) or non-financial (such as market share or customer satisfaction).
  • Objectives help provide a direction to the organisation and enable it to evaluate its performance over time.

Setting Business Objectives

  • Setting business objectives involves setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-specific (SMART) goals for different aspects of the organisation.
  • Objectives should be aligned with the vision and mission of the business, and uphold the values of the business.
  • These objectives should be frequently reviewed and updated as market conditions, business circumstances and resources change.

Importance of Objectives

  • Business objectives give organisations a sense of direction, provide a focus for decision-making and motivate employees.
  • They enable organisations to track their progress, measure their success, and understand the areas that need improvement.
  • Business objectives can also be used as a basis for stakeholder communication, allowing customers, employees, and investors to understand the strategic direction of the company.