The Role of the Customer (4 Cs)

The Role of the Customer (4 Cs)

Customer Solution

  • Just like the ‘Product’ in 4Ps, the focus here is on developing a customer solution to meet the needs and wants of the target market.
  • The business must fully understand the problem or need that the customer is trying to resolve or meet with their product or service.
  • This understanding should form the basis for the creation, development and enhancement of the product or service.

Customer Cost

  • Instead of just ‘Price’, here the emphasis is on the total customer cost associated with buying, using and disposing of a product or service.
  • Understanding the monetary and non-monetary costs associated with a product or service can help a business set a more competitive and appealing price.
  • This could include monetary costs like the price of the product, delivery charges, and any extra costs involved, and non-monetary costs such as time and effort.

Convenience to Buy

  • This replaces ‘Place’ in the 4Ps and it takes into account the convenience for customers to purchase the product or service.
  • Depending on the buying habits of the target market, different distribution channels can be used to improve convenience.
  • The aim is to reduce the barriers for customers obtaining the product or service, thereby improving the overall customer experience and increasing the likelihood of purchase.


  • This reflects the shift in balance of power from marketers to consumers - communicating WITH consumers rather than TO them.
  • It incorporates ‘Promotion’ from the 4Ps but also includes the broader concept of communication, which includes listening to customers, engaging with them, and incorporating their feedback into the business.
  • Communication channels should be two-way, enabling customers to gain information about the product or service, and also provide feedback.

Overall Significance of the Customer (4 Cs)

The ‘4 Cs’ model places the customer at the heart of all marketing decisions. It encourages businesses to think more about the customer experience rather than merely focusing on what the business wants to provide. By adopting this model, businesses can achieve higher levels of customer satisfaction, improve customer loyalty, and increase overall business performance.