Promotion Methods

Promotion Methods

Personal Selling

  • This is a one-to-one communication method, usually in person, where the seller directly engages with a potential customer.
  • Used in situations with high-value propositions, such as real estate, or complex technologies.
  • Benefit lies in opportunity for personalised presentation and quick feedback. However, it can be costly and time-consuming.

Sales Promotion

  • A marketing technique designed to stimulate customer purchase, through short-term incentives like discounts, offers, or freebies.
  • Encourages immediate purchase or increases short-term sales.
  • Traditional examples include seasonal sales, vouchers, buy-one-get-one offers.
  • It can be a useful tool for inventory management. However, constant sales promotions can lead consumers to question the product’s actual worth.

Public Relations (PR)

  • A method used to build a positive image or perception for a brand within the community or market segments.
  • Commonly achieved through press releases, sponsorships, corporate social responsibility activities, and more.
  • Intention to garner unpaid media coverage and favourable public opinion.
  • While effective, an unforeseen negative event could conversely damage this carefully cultivated image.

Direct Marketing

  • Direct marketing targets specific consumers directly, often using contact details gathered from previous interactions.
  • Forms include email campaigns, mail order catalogues, telemarketing, and online advertisements.
  • It allows for a personalised approach, but privacy issues must be adhered to (e.g., GDPR regulations).


  • This involves the use of mass media platforms, such as television, print, radio, online, and outdoor platforms, to communicate a product or service’s benefits to potential customers.
  • May take the form of advertisements, infomercials or sponsored content.
  • Wide-reach and versatile medium, but may be expensive and harder to target specific clienteles.

Online/Social Media Marketing

  • The promotion of products or brands via one or more forms of electronic media (internet), which provides real-time, personalised communication with customers.
  • Embraces activities such as search engine marketing, content marketing, e-commerce, social media marketing and many more.
  • Accessibility and low-cost makes this an attractive option for many businesses. It also allows for instant data analytics. However, it requires constant updating and engagement with your audience.

Significance of Understanding Promotion Methods

  • Understanding promotional methods allows a business to choose the most effective ways of communicating with its potential customers.
  • The chosen method should align with the overall objectives, target market, and other elements of the marketing mix.
  • Effective promotion can increase sales, build brand awareness, and improve the company’s market position.