Narrative Writing: Structure

Narrative Writing: Structure

Introduction: Setting the Scene

  • The introduction is where you establish the setting, tone and the main characters of your narrative.
  • Set the stage by constructing your narrative world and introducing your readers to it.
  • Draw your readers into your narrative by starting with an action, a reflective question, or interesting dialogue.

Rising Action: Building Up Your Story

  • The rising action should introduce the conflict or the problem that will become the central focus of your narrative.
  • Increase the tension and suspense in your narrative gradually through these early sections to keep readers engaged.
  • Introduce minor subplots, if applicable, to enhance the richness of your narrative without losing focus on the main plot.

Climax: The Turning Point

  • The climax is the crucial turning point in your narrative, where the protagonist faces the conflict at its greatest intensity.
  • This moment should arrive from the gradual buildup of tension in the rising action.
  • Make sure your climax is dramatic and emotionally stirring but believable within the context of your story.

Falling Action: Unwinding the Tension

  • The falling action immediately follows the climax and starts to resolve the main and sub conflicts.
  • This section should gradually reduce the tension while still maintaining the reader’s interest.
  • Use this part to start tying up the loose ends of your narrative and characters’ arcs.

Resolution: Wrapping Up Your Story

  • The resolution effectively concludes your narrative by unravelling all conflicts and providing closure for your characters and plot.
  • Reflect on the journey of the characters and how they’ve changed or grown due to their experiences.
  • Craft a satisfying conclusion that doesn’t necessarily have to be happy or ideal, but it should be fitting and wrap up your story in a coherent manner.

In a narrative, keeping a strong and clear structure is crucial to maintaining the flow of your story. Every element from introduction to resolution serves as a piece of the puzzle, fitting together to narrate a clear, engaging, and satisfying story. Remember, a good narrative not only tells a good story but tells it in an engaging and coherent way.