
Understanding the Audience

Exploring the Intended Audience

  • The intended audience for a text is the group of people that the author aims to reach.
  • Indicators of the intended audience can range from the language and tone used, to the topics discussed and the complexity of the ideas presented.
  • Determining the audience can help to define the purpose of the text, and can provide insight into the author’s choices and methods.

Analysing for Audience

  • Recognise demographic information that may suggest a targeted audience such as age, occupation, gender, or cultural background.
  • Look for specialist language or jargon, as that can often suggest the text is meant for a specific professional or enthusiast audience.
  • Assess the level of formality in the text, as it can suggest if the author is addressing a casual or a formal audience.

Audience and Tone

  • The tone of a text often changes based on its intended audience, notice how the language and style adjustments make the text more accessible or relevant to them.
  • Authors may write more informally for a younger audience and more formally for an academic or professional audience.
  • The choice of humour or emotional language might be used to account for the audience’s tastes and interests.

Evaluating Author-Audience Connection

  • Understanding the audience can help determine if the author has successfully connected with the readers.
  • Consider if and how the author is attempting to influence the audience’s beliefs or actions.
  • Look for signs of bias or persuasion as they might be more prominent in texts intended for particular audiences.

Always bear in mind that an author’s understanding of their audience significantly affects the style, content, and structure of their text. Recognising these elements and how they’re adapted for specific audiences can enhance your comprehension of the text and its intended impact.