Texts that Advise

Texts that Advise

Defining Texts that Advise

  • These are writings that offer guidance, recommendations, or instructions on how to handle a situation, make a decision, or carry out an activity.
  • They can take many forms, such as how-to guides, self-help articles, advice columns, or authoritative documents like policy manuals.
  • The purpose of these texts is to help the reader make informed choices or take appropriate action.

Identifying Texts that Advise

  • Look for the presence of clear instructions, recommendations, steps, or tips.
  • These texts typically use an authoritative and confident tone, giving suggestions or directly instructing the reader about what to do.
  • They may include phrases like “It is recommended to…”, “You should…”, or “Try to…”.

Characteristics of Texts that Advise

  • They usually incorporate a straightforward, clear structure to help the reader understand the advice effortlessly.
  • The language used is precise, clear, and often leans towards a more serious, formal tone.
  • They are generally information-rich but can also include examples, anecdotes, or scenarios to explain the advice more clearly.

Analysing Texts that Advise

  • Assess whether the advice is logical, clear, and practical. Does it provide the reader with a clear way forward?
  • Consider the use of language. Is it commanding, suggestive, or just informative? Does it have a formal tone, or is it more conversational?
  • Look for signs of bias or persuasive language. Does the text try to convince the reader to follow the advice, or is it offering neutral guidance?

Responding to Texts that Advise

  • Share whether you find the advice provided in the text useful and practical.
  • Discuss with specific reference to the text. Explain why you think the advice is effective or why it falls short.
  • Consider different readers’ perspectives. Would the advice apply equally to all, or is there a targeted audience?

As with other text types, the range of advising texts is broad, from practical guides to motivational pieces. Their primary purpose always remains to guide and inform, helping the reader understand or handle situations or tasks more effectively.