Letter: Form

Letter: Form

  • Letters should adhere to a structured format with an opening, body, and closing section.
  • Begin your letter with an introduction, where you establish your point of contact or reason for writing.
  • The body of the letter should convey your main message or request. Break it up into manageable paragraphs with each focusing on a single topic or argument.
  • Resolve or summarise your communication in your conclusion. Indicate any required follow-up actions.
  • Back your points up with facts or personal experiences where suitable for the situation.
  • Include a formal salutation and closing phrase. ‘Dear’ is typically used for the salutation and ‘Yours sincerely’ or ‘Yours faithfully’ for the closing.

Letter: Tone

  • Maintain a consistent tone throughout your letter. It can range from formal to informal, depending on the recipient and purpose.
  • Display respect and politeness to the reader irrespective of the tone of your letter.
  • Even when expressing displeasure or presenting a complaint, keep your tone professional and calm. Avoid the use of offensive or confrontational language.
  • Be precise and concise. Convey your points in a straightforward manner without unnecessary embellishment.

Letter: Register

  • The register of your letter will be determined by its purpose and the recipient. It can range from a semi-formal to a formal style.
  • Use appropriate language that aligns with the register. Formal letters should avoid the use of slang, jargon, or colloquialisms.
  • If the letter is addressed to someone you have an established relationship with, a conversational or semi-formal register may be effective.
  • Ensure your register is consistent from the beginning to the end of your letter. An abrupt shift in register can confuse the recipient or undermine your message.