Transverse and Longitudinal Waves

Transverse Wave

You need to learn this definition! Choose one which is easier and never forget it.

A transverse wave is a wave that oscillates perpendicular to its propagation.


A wave that vibrates at right angles to the direction of energy transfer.

A transverse wave looks like this:

Transverse and Longitudinal Waves, figure 1

Don’t forget to always include the labels!

Examples include ripples on a water surface and an electromagnetic wave (light).

Longitudinal Wave

You need to learn this definition! Choose one which is easier and never forget it

A longitudinal wave is a wave that oscillates parallel to its propagation.


A wave that vibrates parallel to the direction of energy transfer.

Transverse and Longitudinal Waves, figure 1

Don’t forget to always include the labels!

An example of this wave is a sound wave.