


  • “Half-caste” is a poem by John Agard, noted Guyanese poet and playwright.
  • The poem is a critique of the term ‘half-caste’, seen as derogatory through the poet’s perspective.
  • Agard invites the reader to contemplate about the complexities and richness of mixed heritage.


Theme: Identity and Prejudices
  • Agard uses the poem as a platform to question racial biases and the derogatory term ‘half-caste’, suggesting it implies being half a person.
  • Rather than feeling incomplete due to his mixed heritage, the poet asserts that he is enriched.
  • The use of musical and artistic analogies illustrates the harmonious co-existence of different cultures within a person.
Theme: Language and Power
  • Agard manipulates the English language to convey his point, using Creole dialect to establish his identity and challenge linguistic prejudices.
  • He takes phrases associated with being ‘half-caste’ and subverts them to criticise the racial prejudices associated with the term.
  • The language and dialect variations play a crucial role in this poem, indicating that language can not only stereotype but also empower.

Devices and Structure:

Device: Repetition
  • The repeated phrase, “Explain yuself”, emphasises the poet’s demand for an explanation from those who use the term ‘half-caste’.
  • This repetition also ridicules the term, suggesting its underlying absurdity and unfairness.
Device: Metaphor and Simile
  • Agard uses vivid metaphors and similes throughout the poem to reject the idea of ‘half-caste’.
  • He compares himself to great works of art, weather phenomena, and harmonious music to emphasise the beauty and complexity of a mixed heritage.
  • The poem lacks a regular structure. It doesn’t follow traditional forms of poetry which resonates with Agard’s rejection of conventional categorisation of individuals.
  • The sporadic and discontinuous nature also mirrors the challenge of defining identity in rigid binary terms.


  • “Half-caste” is an assertion of the mixed-heritage identity and criticises the prejudices it encounters.
  • It presents a discourse on how limiting and negligent societal labels can be while celebrating the essence of diversity.
  • Above all, it invites the reader to question their own preconceptions and embrace a richer, more comprehensive understanding of identity.