Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek


  • “Hide and Seek” is a poem by Vernon Scannell, a renowned British poet.
  • The poem intricately narrates a game of Hide and Seek, contrasted against the harsh realities of life.
  • The narrative follows a child hiding in a shed, waiting to be found, becoming an allegory for the anxieties experienced in life.


Theme: Childhood and Adulthood
  • The poet utilizes the corridors of childhood innocence to depict the looming turmoil of adulthood.
  • As the game progresses, the child’s initial thrill shifts to anxiety echoing the unpredictable anxieties of adult life.
Theme: Fear and Isolation
  • The emotions of fear and isolation are skilfully woven into the narrative.
  • The gradual shift in the tone of the poem, from excitement to fearful anticipation, enhances the feeling of isolation.

Devices and Structure:

Device: Simile
  • The poet employs simile effectively, such as in the phrase “chill as a dungeon”.
  • This amplifies the fearful connotations associated with the child’s hiding place, heightening the gravity of the situation.
Device: Direct Speech
  • Chunks of direct speech, like “Call out. Give yourself up,” add a sense of realism to the poem.
  • This creates a stark juxtaposition between the supposed simplicity of the game and the complexities of life.
  • The poem follows a continuous narrative structure, employing free verse.
  • The lack of rhythm or regular stanza form parallels the child’s escalating fear and uncertainty.


  • “Hide and Seek” employs the metaphor of a simple childhood game to delve into the anxieties that pervade life.
  • The poem draws parallels between the fear of the unseen in the game and the apprehensions we face in reality.
  • It beautifully encapsulates the journey from the innocence and naiveté of childhood to the realisation of the harsh truths of life.
  • The poem prompts readers to reflect on the complexities of life and the inevitability of growing up, adding depth to the seemingly simple narrative.