The Merchant of Venice: Character Profiles

The Merchant of Venice: Character Profiles

Character Profiles


  • Antonio is a wealthy and influential merchant in Venice who lends money to his friend Bassanio.
  • He is melancholic and deeply loyal to his friend, even risking his own life for his friend’s cause.
  • Antonio is referred to as the Merchant of the play’s title, his willingness to risk everything for Bassanio shows the depth of his devotion and friendship.
  • His disdain and harsh treatment of Shylock demonstrate his prejudice and intolerance.


  • Bassanio is Antonio’s best friend and the suitor of Portia.
  • A reckless spender, Bassanio is in debt and seeks a loan from Antonio to woo Portia.
  • Despite his lack of tangible wealth, he is rich in charm and is ultimately successful in winning Portia’s heart.
  • His intent is often guided by material wealth and social status.


  • Portia is a wealthy heiress of Belmont and the play’s leading lady.
  • She must marry someone who can correctly choose from among three caskets, this reveals the importance of fate and fortune in her life.
  • Portia is intelligent, quick-witted, and capable, stepping up to save Antonio’s life through quick thinking and clever disguises.
  • Her vast wealth and beauty make her the object of desire for the suitors, but it’s her intelligence and wisdom that sets her apart.


  • Shylock is a moneylender and a Jew; he is the play’s most contentious character.
  • He agrees to lend money to Antonio, but demands a pound of Antonio’s flesh as a guarantee.
  • Suffers from considerable antisemitic abuse and seeks revenge against Antonio.
  • Shylock is driven by anger and vengeance, making him a morally complex and intriguing character, whose motivations can be examined and discussed.


  • Nerissa is Portia’s lady-in-waiting and confidante.
  • She is clever and loyal, serving as a mirror to Portia’s character.
  • Nerissa also falls in love and marries Gratiano, Bassanio’s friend.
  • Despite her lower social status, she shares many characteristics with her mistress and plays a crucial role in the plot, especially in the courtroom scene.


  • Jessica is Shylock’s daughter who feels stifled under her father’s strict control.
  • She runs away from home with Lorenzo, a Christian, converting to Christianity and leaving her father heartbroken.
  • Jessica represents the conflict between parents and their children, and the struggle of cultural assimilation and religious identity.