The Scarlet Letter: Character Profiles

The Scarlet Letter: Character Profiles

Hester Prynne

  • Hester Prynne is the novel’s protagonist, punished for adultery by being forced to wear the scarlet letter ‘A’ on her clothing.
  • She is presented as a figure of resilience, strength and integrity who refuses to allow her punishment affect her spirit and character.
  • She’s a devoted mother and uses her skills as a seamstress to make a living for herself and her daughter, Pearl.
  • Despite facing isolation and shame, Hester doesn’t reveal the identity of Pearl’s father, showing her loyalty.
  • Throughout the novel, Hester’s character changes; initially, she is seen as a sinful outcast, but as time passes, she becomes an appreciated and admired woman within her society.

Arthur Dimmesdale

  • Arthur Dimmesdale is a respected minister who struggles with his concealed guilt as he is the secret father of Pearl.
  • He is extremely pious, but his extreme self-condemnation and guilt lead to his physical and psychological breakdown.
  • Unlike Hester, who wears her sin openly, Dimmesdale’s sin is concealed making him a weak character.
  • As he crumbles under the weight of his guilt and health, he eventually confesses his sin publicly and dies.

Roger Chillingworth

  • Roger Chillingworth is Hester’s husband and is presented as the villain of the story.
  • After his arrival, he is keen to find out the father of Pearl and aims to take revenge on him.
  • He disguises himself as a doctor, and takes advantage of Dimmesdale’s health to become closer to him.
  • His quest for revenge warps him into a symbol of evil, leading to a lonely, miserable existence.


  • Pearl, the illegitimate child of Hester and Dimmesdale, is a symbol of Hester’s sin and is described as a “living hieroglyphic”.
  • She is very perceptive and often points out truths that others don’t want to face, making her a reminder of her parents’ sin.
  • Throughout the novel, Pearl acts as a mirror, reflecting aspects of her parents’ personalities and their situation.
  • Despite her impish and wild characteristics, she helps her parents to confront their guilt and leads them toward redemption.

Remember, these character profiles serve as a starting point for understanding ‘The Scarlet Letter’. Deepen your study by analysing the interactions between the characters, their place within their society, and how their character traits contribute to themes in the novel. These analyses will support you in interpreting the text and writing expressive and well-informed essays.