Daily Routines
Daily Routines
Daily Routine Activities
- The term for “daily routine” is kegiatan sehari-hari.
- Bangun translates to “wake up”, Mandi refers to “shower” and Berangkat sekolah means “leave for school”.
- To express “go to work”, use pergi ke kerja.
- The term Makan siang is used for “have lunch”, Makan malam translates to “have dinner” and Minum kopi is “drink coffee”.
- To say “go home” use pulang, Mengerjakan PR denotes “do homework”, and Menonton TV means “watch TV”.
- For “go to bed”, use tidur.
Days of the Week
- Use Senin for “Monday”, Selasa for “Tuesday”, Rabu for “Wednesday”, Kamis for “Thursday”, Jumat for “Friday”, Sabtu for “Saturday”, and Minggu for “Sunday”.
Expressions of Time
- To express “in the morning”, use pagi hari, for “afternoon” use siang hari, for “evening” use sore hari, and for “night” use malam hari.
- Sebelum and setelah imply “before” and “after” respectively.
- Expressing durations can be done with Selama which means “for”.
Descriptive Language for Daily Routine
- Use Biasanya… to say “I usually…”, Saya sering… to express “I often…”, and Saya selalu… is “I always…”.
- To state “I never…”, use Saya tidak pernah….
- Jarang translates to “rarely”.
- Note that Indonesian language does not usually use plurals in context of time or daily activities. Repetition is not commonly used for expressing plurals for this category.
Adverbs of Frequency
- Use Selalu for “always”, Sering for “often”, Kadang-kadang for “sometimes”, and Jarang for “rarely”.
- Tidak pernah translates to “never”.
Expressing the Order of Activities
- Use pertama for “first”, kedua for “second”, ketiga for “third”, and so on.
- To express “then” or “next”, use kemudian.
- The term akhirnya is used for “finally” or “at last”.