Personal and Social Life
Personal and Social Life
Personal Life
Discover and utilise the appropriate terms for personal expression in Indonesian such as ‘saya’ (I), ‘kamu’ (you), and ‘diriku’ (myself).
Discuss personal hobbies and spare time activities. Expand your vocabulary on reading (‘membaca’), playing music (‘bermain musik’), drawing (‘menggambar’), and other interests.
Understand and use a range of adjectives to describe personality like ‘ceria’ (cheerful), ‘malas’ (lazy), or ‘ambisius’ (ambitious).
Verbally express feelings and emotions, using terms like ‘senang’ (happy), ‘sedih’ (sad), or ‘marah’ (angry).
Social Life and Community
Learn and use a broad range of vocabulary to articulate social activities such as ‘pergi ke bioskop’ (go to the cinema) or ‘bermain di taman’ (play in the park).
Understand and express social relationships using the terms like ‘teman’ (friend), ‘tetangga’ (neighbour), and ‘saingan’ (rival).
Discuss societal issues and norms within an Indonesian community context, like ‘adat istiadat’ (customs and traditions), ‘masalah lingkungan’ (environmental issues), and ‘tantangan sosial’ (social challenges).
Explore the concept of ‘gotong royong’ (communal help), a vital aspect of community life in Indonesia, and discuss its implications and examples.
Apply the correct terms for health and sickness: ‘sehat’ (healthy), ‘sakit’ (sick), ‘obat’ (medicine), ‘rumah sakit’ (hospital).
Have a conversation about healthy lifestyle choices including eating a balanced diet ‘makanan seimbang’, drinking enough water ‘minum air cukup’, and exercise ‘olahraga’.
Discuss risks to health such as smoking ‘rokok’, drinking alcohol ‘alkohol’, and drug use ‘narkoba’.
Explore healthcare structure and routines in Indonesia, including visits to the doctor ‘kunjungan ke dokter’, traditional herbal medicine ‘obat tradisional’, and public health awareness ‘kesadaran kesehatan masyarakat’.