The World Around Us

The World Around Us

Geographical Features and Weather

  • Understand and identify various geographical features with Indonesian terms such as ‘gunung’ (mountain), ‘danau’ (lake), ‘sungai’ (river), ‘hutan’ (forest), etc.

  • Use appropriate language to express weather conditions, for example, ‘panas’ (hot), ‘dingin’ (cold), ‘hujan’ (rain), ‘berawan’ (cloudy), ‘terik’ (sunny).

  • Describe various natural disasters, which may occur in Indonesia such as ‘gempa bumi’ (earthquake), ‘tsunami’, ‘banjir’ (flood), ‘kebakaran hutan’ (forest fire), and measures taken to prevent/mitigate them.

Places of Interest

  • Recognise the significant tourist spots in Indonesia like ‘Bali’, ‘Borobudur’, ‘Prambanan’, learn their Indonesian names and express them correctly.

  • Use suitable language to discuss different cultural, historical aspects and attractions associated with these places such as unique ‘upacara’ (ceremonies), ‘seni’ (arts), ‘warisan budaya’ (cultural heritage).

  • Describe the impact of tourism, positive (‘meningkatkan ekonomi’) and negative (‘pencemaran’) on these places and express personal views on these.

Environment and Pollution

  • Understand and express the state of the environment through phrases like ‘lingkungan yang bersih’ (clean environment) or ‘lingkungan yang kotor’ (dirty environment).

  • Discuss issues related to pollution using terms like ‘pencemaran udara’ (air pollution), ‘pencemaran air’ (water pollution), ‘sampah plastik’ (plastic waste), and ‘pemanasan global’ (global warming).

  • Use relevant language to talk about measures taken to protect and save environment such as ‘daur ulang’ (recycling), ‘penanaman pohon’ (tree planting), and ‘penyimpanan air hujan’ (rainwater harvesting).


  • Recognise and use the correct Indonesian terms for various forms of transportation like ‘mobil’ (car), ‘sepeda’ (bike), ‘kapal’ (ship), ‘pesawat terbang’ (aeroplane).

  • Describe challenges and benefits of different modes of transportation using expressions like ‘macet’ (traffic jam), ‘efisiensi bahan bakar’ (fuel efficiency), ‘biaya perjalanan’ (travel cost).

  • Discuss initiatives to improve transportation in the context of Indonesia, such as ‘sistem transportasi masal’ (mass transportation system), ‘infrastruktur jalan’ (road infrastructure).