Home, School, and Daily Routine

Home, School, and Daily Routine

Home Life

  • Understand the term ‘rumah’ (home) in a broader Indonesian context which may include familial relationships, cultural norms, and associated daily routines.

  • Recognise and use a wide array of vocabulary to describe different parts of a house such as ‘dapur’ (kitchen) and ‘kamar tidur’ (bedroom).

  • Use appropriate language to express daily routines at home including wake up times, meals, chores, and leisure activities. This could include phrases such as ‘bangun pagi’ (waking up early) or ‘makan malam’ (dinner).

  • Express familial relationships and dynamics including discussing rules (‘aturan’) and expectations (‘harapan’) using formal and casual address forms in an Indonesian family.

School Environment

  • Use the appropriate words for school (‘sekolah’) and various school levels, such as SD (Sekolah Dasar – Elementary school) and SMA (Sekolah Menengah Atas – High school).

  • Understand and express school subjects using the appropriate terms like ‘matematika’ (maths) and ‘olahraga’ (physical education), and opinions thereof.

  • Be able to describe routines within a school day including ‘pelajaran’ (lessons), ‘istirahat’ (breaks), ‘penyuluh’ (tutor) among others.

  • Use correct expressions for academic expectations and achievements, school rules and code of conduct, like ‘nilai bagus’ (good grades) and ‘aturan sekolah’ (school rules).

Daily Routine

  • Comprehend and use correct language to express elements of daily routines: waking up, meals, travelling, work/study, chores, relaxation time.

  • Use accurate time expressions such as ‘jam’ (hour), ‘menit’ (minute), ‘pagi’ (morning), ‘siang’ (afternoon), ‘malam’ (evening).

  • Converse about weekend routines and how they differ from weekday routines. This could include changes in wake-up times, activities, etc.

  • Discuss lifestyle habits including exercise, diet, relaxation activities in the context of daily routine like ‘olahraga setiap hari’ (exercise every day), ‘diet sehat’ (healthy diet).