Health and Welfare
Health and Welfare
Physical Health and Illnesses
- Sakit means “ill”
- Dia sakit translates to “He/She is ill”
- Saya merasa… can be used to express how you’re feeling, such as Saya merasa tidak enak badan meaning “I feel unwell”
- Use Saya demam when you have a fever
- Saat batuk atau flu, use Saya batuk to mention “I have a cough” and Saya flu for “I have a cold”
Fruits and Vegetables
- Buah-buahan refers to “fruits” and Sayuran to “vegetable”
- For specific fruits and vegetables, use apel for “apple”, pisang for “banana”, jeruk for “orange”, wortel for “carrot”, and kentang for “potato”
Well-being and Emotions
- Saya merasa… can also be used to express emotions, such as Saya merasa senang meaning “I am happy” or Saya merasa sedih meaning “I am sad”
- Use Saya stress to indicate you’re stressed. Saya cemas can be used for “I am anxious”
- Positive emotions can be expressed as Saya gembira meaning “I am excited”, and Saya tenang for “I am calm”
Eating Habits and Exercise
- To indicate you’re eating, use Saya makan…, e.g., Saya makan nasi means “I am eating rice”
- Saya minum… can be used to indicate drinking, e.g., Saya minum air means “I am drinking water”
- To express you exercise, use Saya berolahraga or for specific activities Saya berlari for “I am running”, and Saya berenang for “I am swimming”
Health Services
- Rumah sakit stands for a “hospital”, Puskesmas is “health centre”, dokter is a “doctor”, and perawat is a “nurse”
- Use Saya pergi ke dokter to say “I go to the doctor”
- To indicate receiving treatment, use Saya mendapatkan perawatan