Family and Friends
Family and Friends
Immediate Family Members
- Ayah is the term for “father” while Ibu translates to “mother”.
- Adik refers to a “younger brother or sister” and Kakak means an “older brother or sister”.
- Use Anak laki-laki for “son” and Anak perempuan for “daughter”.
Extended Family
- Use Nenek for “grandmother” and Kakek for “grandfather”.
- Paman is “uncle” and Bibi is “aunt”.
- Cucu refers to “grandchildren”, while Keponakan refers to “niece or nephew”.
Family Relationships
- Use Menantu for “son-in-law” or “daughter-in-law”. Mertua means “parents-in-law”.
- The term Sepupu refers to “cousins”.
- Suami and Istri mean “husband” and “wife” respectively.
Friends and Acquaintance
- The term Teman is used for “friend”. Sahabat implies a “best friend”.
- Kenalan implies an “acquaintance” or “someone you know”.
- Teman sekelas means “classmate” and Teman sekamar for a “roommate”.
Showing Possession
- Use Saya punya… to express “I have…”. For example, “Saya punya satu adik” means “I have one younger sibling”.
- … milik saya can be used to denote “… is mine”. For example, “Rumah ini milik saya” translates to “This house is mine”.
- In Indonesian, plurals are often indicated through repetition. So “brothers and sisters” becomes “adik-adik” or “saudara-saudara”.
- Note that this repetition form isn’t used for all words. The context will often make clear whether a word is meant in singular or plural form.
Adjectives and Descriptions
- Dia baik means “He/She is kind”.
- For ages, use Dia… tahun. For example, “Dia dua puluh tahun” means “He/She is twenty years old”.
- Dia tinggal di… for “He/She lives in…”
- For occupations, use Dia seorang…. For example, “Dia seorang dokter” means “He/She is a doctor”.
- Describing appearance, Dia tinggi means “He/She is tall”, Dia pendek for “He/She is short”, Dia gemuk implies “He/She is fat” and Dia kurus for “He/She is thin.”