Education and Employment

Education and Employment

Education System in Indonesia

  • Have a clear understanding of the term ‘pendidikan’ (education) as used in the Indonesian context. This should cover a range of aspects such as access to education, quality of education, and the structures of the education system.

  • Be familiar with the various levels of education from ‘pendidikan dasar’ (elementary education), ‘pendidikan menengah’ (secondary education) to ‘pendidikan tinggi’ (higher education).

  • Understand the role of ‘guru’ (teacher) and ‘murid’ (student) within an educational context, and be aware of the reciprocal responsibilities and expectations that come with these roles.

  • Be able to describe the extracurricular activities commonly found in Indonesian schools, such as ‘ekstrakurikuler olahraga’ (sports extracurriculars) or ‘ekstrakurikuler kesenian’ (arts extracurriculars).

Jobs and Careers

  • Gain an understanding of employment terms like ‘pekerjaan’ (job), ‘karir’ (career), and ‘pencarian kerja’ (job search).

  • Be familiar with various job sectors such as ‘pekerjaan di bidang teknologi’ (jobs in the technology sector), ‘pekerjaan di bidang pendidikan’ (jobs in the education sector), ‘pekerjaan di bidang kesehatan’ (jobs in the health sector), and more.

  • Understand and use language to describe job roles and responsibilities including the use of terms like ‘pegawai’ (employee), ‘pemberi kerja’ (employer) and ‘tugas’ (task or duty).

  • Develop proficiency in communicating around job skills, qualifications, and experiences including expressions such as ‘keterampilan khusus’ (special skills), ‘kualifikasi kerja’ (job qualifiation), and ‘pengalaman kerja’ (work experience).

Education and Job Prospects

  • Comprehend and discuss the relationship between education levels and job opportunities using expressions such as ‘pendidikan tinggi membuka lebih banyak peluang pekerjaan’ (higher education opens more job opportunities).

  • Understand how to discuss career aspirations and future plans, e.g. ‘saya berencana menjadi dokter’ (I plan to become a doctor).

  • Be able to navigate a job interview setting in Indonesian, knowing key phrases like ‘wawancara kerja’ (job interview), ‘pertanyaan wawancara’ (interview question), and ‘jawaban wawancara’ (interview answer).

  • Discuss issues related to unemployment, including expressions such as ‘tingkat pengangguran’ (unemployment rate), ‘masalah pengangguran’ (unemployment problem) and potential solutions, like ‘pelatihan keterampilan’ (skills training).