Weather and Environment
Weather and Environment
Weather Conditions
- Matahari bersinar terang means “The sun is shining brightly”
- Hujan refers to “Rain”. Sedang hujan means “It’s raining”
- Salju is “Snow” and Sedang bersalju means “It’s snowing”
- Angin bertiup kencang translates to “The wind is blowing strongly”
- Use Berawan to describe “Cloudy” conditions
- Langit cerah refers to “A clear sky”
- To describe warm weather, use Cerah dan hangat
- Musim semi means “Spring”
- Use Musim panas for “Summer”
- The term Musim gugur refers to “Autumn”
- Musim dingin represents “Winter”
Environmental Conditions
- Lingkungan hijau translates to “Green environment”
- Use Kota besar for “Big city”
- Pedesaan refers to “Countryside”
- Pantai stands for “Beach”
- Energi terbarukan means “Renewable energy”
- Use Polusi udara to talk about “Air pollution”
- The phrase Membuang sampah dengan sembarangan indicates “Littering”
Natural Disasters
- Bencana alam represents “Natural disaster”
- Gempa bumi means “Earthquake”
- To indicate “Flood”, use Banjir
- Gunung berapi meletus stands for “Volcanic eruption”
- For the term “Drought”, use Kekeringan