School Terms
- The term for “school” is sekolah.
- Guru refers to “teacher” and pelajar or murid means “student”.
- “Class” or “classroom” is translated as kelas, while “homework” is known as pekerjaan rumah or PR.
- Use buku for “book”, penggaris for “ruler”, pulpen for “pen”, and pensil for “pencil”.
- The term for “bag” is tas, and seragam refers to “uniform”.
- Use Matematika for “Mathematics”, Bahasa Indonesia for “Indonesian”, Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA) for “Natural Science”, and Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS) for “Social Science”.
- For “English”, use Bahasa Inggris; for “Art”, use Seni; and for “Physical Education”, use Pendidikan Jasmani (PJ).
School Routine
- The terms for “arrive at school” and “leave school” are tiba di sekolah and pulang sekolah, respectively.
- Belajar denotes “study”, while makan siang is used for “have lunch” at school.
- To express “attend class”, use menghadiri kelas. The term istirahat is used for “break or recess”.
Descriptive Language for School Routine
- Use Saya sering… to express “I usually…”, Saya selalu… to say “I always…” in the context of school activities.
- To state “I never…”, use Saya tidak pernah….
- Jarang translates to “rarely”.
- In the context of school activities, the Indonesian language usually does not use plurals. Repetition is also not commonly used for expressing plurals.
Adverbs of Frequency
- Use Selalu for “always”, Sering for “often”, Kadang-kadang for “sometimes”, and Jarang for “rarely” in context of school activities.
- Tidak pernah translates to “never”.
Expressing Order of School Activities
- Use pertama for “first”, kedua for “second”, ketiga for “third”, and so on.
- To express “then” or “next”, use kemudian.
- The term akhirnya is used for “finally” or “at last”.