Free-Time Activities: Cinema
Free-Time Activities: Cinema
Important Verbs related to Cinema
- Gehen - to go
- Sehen - to see/watch
- Kaufen - to buy
- Mieten - to rent (a film)
- Erzählen - to tell (about a film)
Key vocabulary and phrases: Parts of Cinema
- Das Kino - The cinema
- Der Film - The film/movie
- Die Komödie - The comedy
- Der Horrorfilm - The horror movie
- Der Actionfilm - The action film
- Das Drama - The drama
- Die Romantik - The romance film
- Die Science-Fiction - The science fiction movie
- Die Kasse - The box office
- Die Leinwand - The screen
Words related to Cinema Opportunities
- Die Kinokarte - The cinema ticket
- Der Filmstart - The film premiere
- Die Filmbewertung - The film review
- Die Popcorn - The popcorn
- Die Vorschau - The preview
Examples of use:
- Ich gehe gerne ins Kino - I like going to the cinema.
- Wir sehen einen Film - We are watching a movie.
- Ich kaufe zwei Kinokarten an der Kasse - I buy two cinema tickets at the box office.
Useful Sentences for Conversational Use
- Welchen Film siehst du? - Which film are you watching?
- Wie oft gehst du ins Kino? - How often do you go to the cinema?
- Magst du Horrorfilme? - Do you like horror films?
- Wer ist dein Lieblingsschauspieler / deine Lieblingsschauspielerin? - Who is your favourite actor / actress?
- Lassen Sie uns einen Film im Kino sehen - Let’s watch a movie in the cinema.
Knowing these phrases, along with the vocabulary listed above, will be very beneficial for discussing free-time activities related to cinema. Make sure to understand the meanings behind each phrase and use them comfortably in a sentence. Practice, as always, is invaluable!