Travel and Tourism: Booking
Travel and Tourism: Booking
Types of Tickets
- das Einzelticket - the single ticket
- das Rundfahrtticket - the round trip ticket
- das Familienticket - the family ticket
- das Gruppenticket - the group ticket
- die Fahrkarte - the travel ticket
Booking and Reservations
- die Reservierung - the reservation
- das Reisebüro - the travel agency
- die Buchung - the booking
- die Bestätigung - the confirmation
- der Rückgabetermin - the return date
- die Anzahlung - the deposit
- die Stornierung - the cancellation
Key Vocabulary
- der Flug - the flight
- der Zug - the train
- das Schiff - the ship
- die Abfahrt - the departure
- die Ankunft - the arrival
- der Koffer - the suitcase
- das Handgepäck - the hand luggage
- der Pass - the passport
Issues Related to Travel
- die Verspätung - the delay
- verloren - lost
- die Polizei melden - report to the police
- der Ausweis - the ID card
- der Diebstahl - the theft
Practicing these words and using them in sentences will significantly enhance your vocabulary and understanding of the booking process in travel. They seem complicated initially, but regular usage will make them easier to remember and use effectively. The key is to keep practicing and do not hesitate to use them in sentences or short paragraphs when discussing travel booking scenarios.