Free-Time Activities: Music
Free-Time Activities: Music
Important Verbs related to Music
- Hören - to listen
- Spielen - to play (an instrument)
- Üben - to practice
- Singen - to sing
- Komponieren - to compose
Key vocabulary and phrases: Instruments
- Das Klavier - The piano
- Die Gitarre - The guitar
- Die Trommel - The drum
- Das Saxophon - The saxophone
- Die Flöte - The flute
- Die Violine - The violin
Words related to Musical Styles
- Die Klassische Musik - Classical music
- Der Jazz - Jazz
- Der Rock - Rock
- Die Popmusik - Pop music
- Die Hip-Hop-Musik - Hip-Hop music
- Die Elektronische Musik - Electronic music
Examples of use:
- Ich höre gerne Musik - I like listening to music.
- Ich spiele das Klavier - I play the piano.
- Ich übe jeden Tag Violine - I practice violin every day.
- Meine Lieblingsmusik ist Rock - My favourite music is Rock.
Useful Sentences for Conversational Use
- Welche Art von Musik magst du? - What kind of music do you like?
- Wer ist dein Lieblingssänger / deine Lieblingssängerin? - Who is your favourite singer?
- Hörst du gerne Radio? - Do you like listening to the radio?
- Hast du eine Lieblingsband? - Do you have a favourite band?
- Gehst du gerne auf Konzerte? - Do you like going to concerts?
These phrases, combined with the vocabulary above, will provide a solid foundation for discussing free-time activities related to music in a GCSE standard German language examination. Make sure you understand the meanings behind each phrase and can use them comfortably in a sentence. Practice makes perfect!