Travel and Tourism: How to Get There
Travel and Tourism: How to Get There
Types of Transport
- das Auto - the car
- der Bus - the bus
- die Bahn/das Zug - the train
- das Flugzeug - the airplane
- das Schiff - the ship
- die Fähre - the ferry
- das Fahrrad - the bicycle
- zu Fuß gehen - to walk
Preparing for the Journey
- die Fahrkarte - the ticket
- der Fahrplan - the schedule/timetable
- die Abfahrt - the departure
- die Ankunft - the arrival
- das Gepäck - the luggage
- der Reisepass - the passport
- die Zollkontrolle - the customs control
During the Journey
- die Verspätung - the delay
- der Bahnhof/der Flughafen - the train station/the airport
- der Bahnsteig/das Gate - the platform/the gate
- das Abteil/der Sitz - the compartment/the seat
- die Auskunft/die Information - the information
- die Haltestelle - the stop
- umsteigen - to change/transfer
- aussteigen - to get off
Remember to maintain frequent exposure to these vocabulary words by using flashcards, and aim to incorporate them in sentences in your vocabulary drills. The more practice, the more comfortable you’ll become using travel-related terminology. Also, consider reading German travel blogs or watching German travel videos to see these words in context. This method can enhance your understanding and strengthen your language proficiency.