Me, Friends and Family: About Yourself
Me, Friends and Family: About Yourself
About Yourself
Physical Description
- Use Ich bin… to say I am… followed by an adjective to describe yourself.
- Some adjectives you could use are: groß (tall), klein (short), schlank (slim), dick (fat), sportlich (sporty), schön (beautiful), hässlich (ugly).
Personal Details
- The verb heißen is used to say your name, for example: Ich heiße… (My name is…).
- Ich wohne in… (I live in…).
- Ich bin… Jahre alt (I am… years old).
- Ich habe am… Geburtstag (My birthday is on…).
- Meine Mutter/Father heißt… (My mother/father’s name is…).
Character and Personality
- To describe your character, you might say Ich bin… (I am…) followed by an adjective.
- Common adjectives for a person’s character include: freundlich (friendly), süß (sweet), lustig (funny), faul (lazy), klug (clever), nett (nice), unfreundlich (unfriendly).
Preferences and Interests
- Ich mag… (I like…), followed by a noun or verb, to express a preference.
- Ich liebe… (I love…), Ich hasse… (I hate…), and Ich genieße… (I enjoy…) can also be used in the same way.
- Mein Lieblings… ist (My favourite… is) followed by a noun to share your favourites.
- Express interest with: Ich interessiere mich für… (I am interested in…).
Daily Routine
- Practice the vocabulary for daily routine actions like: aufstehen (to get up), frühstücken (to have breakfast), zur Schule gehen (to go to school), lernen (to study), schlafen gehen (go to bed).
- Use the time with um (at) or in (in) followed by verb; for example: Ich stehe um sieben Uhr auf (I get up at seven o’clock), Ich gehe um acht Uhr zur Schule (I go to school at eight o’clock) etc.
- Ich habe… (I have…), followed by a noun, to describe possessions.
- Items to include might be: ein Auto (a car), ein Handy (a mobile phone), ein Haustier (a pet), eine Schwester or einen Bruder (a sister or a brother).
The key to success in this part of the exam is practice. Make sure you know these phrases and words well and are able to use them confidently and accurately.