Free-Time Activities: Food
Free-Time Activities: Food
Important Verbs related to Food
- Essen - to eat
- Kochen - to cook
- Backen - to bake
- Trinken - to drink
- Bestellen - to order
Key Vocabulary: Food and Utensils
- Das Brot - The bread
- Der Käse - The cheese
- Das Hähnchen - The chicken
- Der Apfel - The apple
- Der Teller - The plate
- Das Messer - The knife
- Die Gabel - The fork
Words related to Types of Meals
- Das Frühstück - The breakfast
- Das Mittagessen - The lunch
- Das Abendessen - The dinner
- Die Zwischenmahlzeit - The snack
- Das Dessert - The dessert
Examples of use:
- Ich koche das Abendessen - I cook the dinner.
- Ich bestelle eine Pizza - I order a pizza.
- Ich esse gerne Äpfel - I like eating apples.
- Ich trinke jeden Tag Milch - I drink milk every day.
- Ich backe ein Brot - I bake a bread.
Useful Sentences for Conversational Use
- Was möchtest du zum Frühstück essen? - What would you like to eat for breakfast?
- Was ist dein Lieblingsessen? - What’s your favourite food?
- Magst du kochen? - Do you like cooking?
- Gehst du gerne ins Restaurant? - Do you like going to restaurants?
- Kannst du eine Suppe machen? - Can you make a soup?
These phrases, combined with the vocabulary above, will provide a solid foundation for discussing food and cooking activities in German. Check each phrase, understand what it means and feel comfortable using it in a sentence. Practicing is key!