Travel and Tourism: Accommodation
Travel and Tourism: Accommodation
Types of Accommodation
- das Hotel - the hotel
- das Gasthaus - the guesthouse
- die Ferienwohnung - the holiday apartment
- die Villa - the villa
- der Bauernhof - the farm
Booking Accommodation
- die Reservierung - the booking or reservation
- das Einzelzimmer - the single room
- das Doppelzimmer - the double room
- das Familienzimmer - the family room
- die Vollpension - full board
- die Halbpension - half board
Accommodation Facilities
- das Schwimmbad - the swimming pool
- das Fitnessstudio - the gym
- das Restaurant - the restaurant
- die Bar - the bar
- der Parkplatz - the car park
- das Spa - the spa
- die Rezeption - the reception
Accommodation Issues
- der Mangel - the defect
- die Beschwerde - the complaint
- sauber - clean
- schmutzig - dirty
- laut - loud
- ruhig - quiet
Incorporate these terms into your daily vocabulary practice and strive to use them in full sentences. This helps to remember these words better, improving your German language competence and ultimately preparing you for any questions related to ‘Accommodation’ in the travel and tourism topic.