Travel and Tourism: What to Do
Travel and Tourism: What to Do
Types of Activities
- der Spaziergang - the walk
- die Wanderung - the hike
- der Ausflug mit dem Boot - the boat trip
- die Stadtrundfahrt - the city tour
- das Sonnenbaden - sunbathing
- das Bergsteigen - mountain climbing
- das Tauchen - diving
- das Surfen - surfing
- das Skifahren - skiing
- das Shopping - shopping
Routine Actions
- die Ankunft - the arrival
- die Abreise - the departure
- das Einchecken - the check-in
- das Auschecken - the check-out
- die Reservierung - the reservation
Key Vocabulary
- die Urlaubssaison - the holiday season
- der Reiseführer - the tour guide
- die Sonnencreme - the suncream
- die Reisetasche - the travel bag
- die Fahrkarte - the ticket
- der Reisepass - the passport
- die Abfahrtszeit - the departure time
- die Ankunftszeit - the arrival time
Eating and Drinking
- das Restaurant - the restaurant
- die Bar - the bar
- das Café - the café
- die Speisekarte - the menu
- die Rechnung - the bill
- das Trinkgeld - the tip
Regular practice and usage of these words and phrases in sentences can help you remember them more efficiently. This can also help you form sentences in a more fluent manner while enhancing your understanding of travel-related terminology.