Study and Employment: School Life
Vocabulary - Study and Employment: School Life
School Structure
- die Schule translates to School, it’s the place where all study takes place.
- die Grundschule is the German term for Primary School. This is where education begins.
- The word die Gesamtschule stands for Comprehensive School, where a broad curriculum is taught.
- das Gymnasium is the term for Grammar School. Here, incoming students usually have higher academic performance.
- For vocational training, refer to die Berufsschule.
School Personnel
- der Lehrer/ die Lehrerin is used for male and female Teacher respectively.
- der Schulleiter/ die Schulleiterin refers to the male and female School Principal respectively.
- der Schulrat/ die Schulrätin are the words for male and female School Counsellor respectively.
School Routine
- der Stundenplan is the School Timetable that lists all lessons.
- der Elternabend is the Parents’ Evening - a time for parents to meet with teachers.
- die Hausaufgabe refers to the Homework that students must complete outside of school hours.
- die Pause is the term for Break or Recess, a short period of free time in the school day.
- das Fach stands for Subject.
School Facilities
- die Bibliothek refers to the Library, a quiet place for study and reading.
- The term der Computerraum is the Computer Room.
- For fitness activities, die Sporthalle refers to Gymnasium.
- The science lab, where experiments are conducted, is referred to as das Labor.
- die Mensa refers to the School Canteen, where students eat lunch.
Remember that relating these German terms to their corresponding places, people or routines in your own school life will aid memorisation. Happy revising!