Where You Live: Talking About Where You Live
Where You Live: Talking About Where You Live
Common Location Vocabulary
- City - die Stadt
- Town - die Stadt, das Städtchen (for smaller towns)
- Village - das Dorf
- Suburb - der Vorort
- Countryside - das Land
- House - das Haus
- Flat - die Wohnung
- Street - die Straße
- Near - in der Nähe
- Far - weit
Descriptive Phrases for Living Settings
- Quiet - ruhig
- Noisy - laut
- Clean - sauber
- Dirty - schmutzig
- Safe - sicher
- Dangerous - gefährlich
- Busy - beschäftigt
- Relaxed - entspannt
Facilities Nearby
- Supermarket - der Supermarkt
- School - die Schule
- Park - der Park
- Library - die Bibliothek
- Shopping centre - das Einkaufszentrum
- Restaurant - das Restaurant
- Cinema - das Kino
Modes of Transport
- Car - das Auto
- Bus - der Bus
- Train - der Zug
- Bike - das Fahrrad
- Walking - zu Fuß gehen
Remember to comprehend and use these words in context, by incorporating them into different sentences. This will help in enhancing your vocabulary skills and understanding of the terms. Regular practice is key!