Study and Employment: Education Post-16

Study and Employment: Education Post-16

Post-16 Education Vocabulary - German

Further Education Institutions

  • Berufsschule refers to vocational school, where individuals learn a trade or occupation.
  • For those seeking a career in academic fields, Gymnasium (Grammar School) might be their choice.
  • Fachhochschule is a University of Applied Sciences. This term refers to high education institutions that specialize in a particular field of study.
  • Universität is a University where you can study for degrees in a broad range of subjects.

Types of Courses

  • A word you might hear often is Ausbildungsplatz; it refers to apprenticeship. This is a course where most of the learning is done on the job.
  • Lehrgang is a training course generally in a specific subject or skill set.
  • A Teilzeitkurs is a part-time course, which allows more flexibility in time schedule.
  • For those focused mainly on their education, a Vollzeitkurs or full-time course may be the option.

Further Study

  • Semester is a term or half-year of university.
  • A university student working towards their first degree is a Student.
  • The stage after your first university degree where you are studying for a Masters, PHD, or specific graduation is Postgraduierte.

Careers and Jobs

  • Karriere is the word for career. This term refers to an individual’s journey through learning, work and other aspects of life.
  • A more casual term for job, Job, is borrowed from the English vocabulary.
  • But in a more official capacity, employment or a post would be referred to as a Stelle.
  • An essential phrase to remember is Bewerbung senden which means ‘to send an application’.
  • During a job hunting process, you might have to attend an Vorstellungsgespräch, an interview.
  • Your Lebenslauf or CV is a document you will need when applying for jobs or higher education courses.

Remember to practice using these words in sentences, and immerse yourself in the language consistently to enhance your understanding and memory of these vocabulary words. Viel Glück!